I continue to be healthy and well, as are those closest to me and I am grateful for that.
I haven’t wanted to write about what’s going on because, frankly, I’m tired of reading about it and talking about it and thinking about it.
But in a world of rising unsureness, it is in a way unnerving to attempt to make plans and think about the future when you’re not really sure what the future is going to look like.
When will things go back to normal?
What will ‘normal’ even look like after all of this?
Will everyone I know and love be okay?
Will I be able to pay my bills?
Then again, that is largely how it’s always been.
There have always been bad things going on in the world, things we haven’t been able to control or understand, and while this particular case is unlike anything we’ve seen in many of our lifetimes—every generation has such events.
There have always been daily invitations into downward spirals of stress and anxiety.
Things to draw our attention away from resting in contentment and finding joy in our present.
So while we wait and watch the world around us shifting into more panic and fear, regardless of our feelings on it being warranted or not, there are two things we can do:
1. Take it all one day at a time.
2. Be grateful for the good that you have in your arms to hold and the ability to hold it.
Quarantine: A self portrait.
Masks made from raw denim, recycled copper wire, leather and vintage thread.
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