
Slow Living | Mr. Draper

Today's post is brought to you by a new friend of mine over in Australia. 
Alistair of Mr. Draper makes the most lovely linen goods, and what's more, he is so passionate and enthusiastic about what he does, which makes his work all the more beautiful. 

He sent me one of his doona's, (for us American's that's the Australian name for a duvet cover) and I honestly don't know that I've ever loved a handmade piece for my home more than this ocean of blue goodness. 
(You can see early photos on Instagram here and here as well)

It's so soft and the color is incredibly rich and gorgeous. It transformed my bedroom into that calm, cool and inviting place I'd been dreaming of almost instantly. 
Not to mention I'm head over heels for his branding and packaging.
Alistair is such a kind and wonderful person to collaborate with and support and I hope that if you're in need of any linen you'll check out his shop! He also makes sheets, tea towels and pillow cases as well as other home accents. 
I'm also in love with his practice of repurposing your worn out linen. 
Slow living and mindfulness encouraged in your home? Check.

"The core principal behind Mr. Draper's products is to not just buy and toss stuff every few years. Rather, make a considered purchase that will be with you for many years to come."

This post was sponsored by Mr. Draper.
You can shop through their online store as well as connect with Alistair on Instagram.

If you're interested in sponsoring a post or collaborating, shoot me an email:


Other artists and makers I love whose work was featured in this post include...

Nanin - Palo Santo + Desert Rose Candle
Willow Knows - Scarf
Oldtime Feeling - Floral arrangement
Matt Johnson - American Hearts Book
Alex Elle - Note 2 Self Journal
Yesterday's Heroes - Sheep and Shepherd framed art
The Rootless Spruce - Travel Journal

Travel Essentials

A good leather bag

Lots of little pouches and purses to organize bits and pieces that are brought along as well as bits and pieces newly found

A scarf - this one is my usual go to but I've also fallen in love with this cotton one I found in Barcelona over the summer

A book to provoke new thoughts

A bit of simple jewelry- because it can often make me feel pretty and put together even if I haven't showered in a few days on the road and have been wearing the same shirt for more days than I want to recollect

The Adventure Hat

A sweet smelling fragrance

Music- whether that's in the form of CD's, a home made mix tape, an iPod or Spotify on your phone

A travel journal- never go on a trip without one. You never know what you'll find that warrants documenting

Roam Sweet Roam

Many of you have heard me talk about some of my favorite RVA makers, Jody and Karl of Blackbird Tees, quite a few times here on the blog. 
Well, they have some awesome new designs out and it's a theme and sentiment after my own heart....
Roam Sweet Roam.
As not only fellow makers, but fellow travelers (and taco lovers), these two are somewhat kindred spirits of mine. I'm so thankful to not only have the opportunity to work with such genuine souls like theirs, but to also call them dear friends.  
I mean it's not just anyone you can wander around abandoned airstreams with and make up fake rapper names with and jam out to the likes of Rick Astley... 
(thanks grandma)

Okay okay, what are you waiting for?
Go see the new stuff for yourself
And I'm not just sayin that cause I'm their model. ;)

Photos by Meagan Abell, as always.

A Parisian Morning

Shadows dissipating on white walls
Construction on the street drifting up through the window
Coffee in tiny cups
Billie Holiday
Tracy Chapman
More bread
Fans shushing
Shades of blue
French blue
More Tracy Chapman
Postcard writing
A Parisian morning

Glasses: Firmoo
Shirt: Colopalo
Shorts: Urban Outfitters
Jewelry: Brittany Channel
Watch: Marc Jacobs
Journal: The Rootless Spruce

This post was sponsored by Firmoo.
Firmoo has really lovely glasses that are not only unique but affordable.
I love this pair they sent me and highly recommend their frames!

You can shop through their online store as well as connect with them on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.

If you're interested in sponsoring a post, shoot me an email:

See more on
Instagram || Twitter || Facebook

The Travel Journal

We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect. || Anaïs Nin 

I'm an avid journaler, but especially so when I travel. 
I think part of the reason is because when I travel things can often be a blur. A new place here and new place there, a new thought in this moment, meeting a different person with a cool story in that one, going going going. Documenting such things, sometimes as they happen, is a way for me to live them more fully in the moment. To examine and see them a little bit outside of their original context helps me to not take them for granted and appreciate these moments and experiences for what they are.
But of course I also do it so that I can look back and reminisce once I'm back home. 

I not only do this when I'm traveling but in my day to day life as well actually. I have several different notebooks and journals each with their own respective purpose. I'm constantly scribbling notes and sentences and thoughts and new words and clever lines I hear people say that I want to remember. 
I don't really remember a time when I wasn't doing this to some capacity to be honest. 
It's one of those things that's engrained into who I am.

The Rootless Spruce sent some their handcrafted leather goods with me on my trip to Iceland, which included  this incredibly beautiful handmade journal. It's pages have since been filled with quite a few memories which I already love looking back on. 
If you need a travel journal (or the perfect home for your passport) I highly recommend visiting their shop

I also highly recommend this Air BnB place we stayed in for our first few nights in Reykjavik
Don't know what Air BnB is? Learn more and sign up here for $25 towards your first booked trip!
It's my favorite way to travel.

This post was sponsored by The Rootless Spruce.
You can find them in their shop as well as on Instagram.

If you're interested in collaborating, shoot me an email: 

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